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A330 - Training
Aviation Insider, UK

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Aviation Insider, UK

Aviation Insider was developed out of a need for good, honest and reasonably priced career preparation. Everything is provided by pilots; the only people who know the profession and most importantly how it feels to go through the airline recruitment process. We understand the industry and its challenges, but more importantly, we know you and understand the pressures you face.

Our trainers and instructors have detailed knowledge of the current professional pilot market and airline training footprint. Prepare yourself with our airline simulator assessments, upgrade your ATPL or revalidate your license.

Airline Insider can provide you with the following training:

Type rating
CCQ Conversion
Aviation Insider Airline Assessment Simulator Preparation
License Revalidation LPC,OPC
ATPL Unfreezing / upgrade
Command Preparation
Simulator refresher training

Aviation Insider Airline Simulator Assessment Preparation

Our professional, one-to-one A330 simulator assessment preparation sessions are designed to give you the best possible chance of passing the simulator check and getting the job. We are here to help you and give you all the support you need to prepare. Our Airline Assessment Preparation Sessions have been created to be as close to your real assessment experience as possible.

At Aviation Insider we can also help you with you Type Rating Question Banks, Revision Flashcards, Revision Notes for all 14 ATPL subjects, Simulator Assessment Guides, Interview and CV preparation and Grading and Assessments.

What's included when booking with Aviation Insider?

All Aviation Insider Airline Preparation simulators provided come with:

Airline specific briefing material
1-hour briefing
Full Motion Simulator session
Comprehensive debrief
Free access to online assessment guides

The A330 simulator

The A330 Full Flight Simulator is a EASA approved Level D device, strategically located close to London’s Gatwick Airport. The simulator is operated 20 hours a day in blocks of 4 hours with a general availability less than 50%. The simulator is available in 4-hour blocks.


There are local hotels and B&Bs in the area details of which can be advised upon request.

There are no documents

2-3 Gatwick Road Crawley
RH10 9BG
United Kingdom

Training Organization Authority Approvals


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Contact Aviation Insider, UK

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*If you don't have an account submitting this form will create a free account with You also confirm you agree with our Terms & Conditions.